Before becoming an editor, I paid my way through college playing trumpet and composing songs. Film editing is the closest thing I've found that fuels the same creative fulfillment. 

A native of Chicago, Illinois, Freddie concentrated on editing at Columbia College and worked on local productions including SOUTHSIDE WITH YOU and SUICIDE SQUAD.  Since moving to Los Angeles he’s assisted on docuseries, commercials and trailers, as well as acclaimed television shows and films like David Fincher’s MINDHUNTER for Netflix, THE WALKING DEAD for AMC, the RESIDENT EVIL series for Netflix, and Andrew Dominik’s newest film, BLONDE, for Netflix.

On his own time, Freddie has worked on numerous short films, including 2019’s THE GREY CONSPIRACY for Amazon, which earned him a nomination for Best Editing from Top Indie Film Awards. In 2020, he wrote, produced and edited a short musical film in response to George Floyd’s death titled EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE, which received over 3,000 views online. In 2021, he edited the short film GOLDENROD. His latest feature film work in 2023, THE COMING, will screen at festivals across the country and Chicago where filming took place.

A proficient trumpet player, Freddie is deeply influenced by music, with art, nature and video games factoring in as well.  He credits his father for a love of film that began in childhood, and describes his interests as “anything weird, anything heart-gripping, genre pieces, art pieces, and also the occasional commercial work.”

Those who have worked with Freddie describe him as a team player who approaches all aspects of a project with enthusiasm and energy.  

“We put film together, tell the story, and give it clarity. That’s what we do." –Michael Kahn


Local 700, MPEG

ACE Eric Zumbrunnen Fellow 

ACE Diversity Mentorship In Editing Mentorship Program

(773) 414 - 4010

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